Monday, April 6, 2009

Understanding the 'Why" behind God's plan

When we reflect on the why and wherefore something happens that at the moment is not to our liking, we are focusing on the here and now and not the big picture. If we believe that we are put here on earth for a reason sometimes we must suspend our disbelief in what we envision to be the best outcome. It’s been said that God always answers our prayers. Being skeptical, one person may complain that his prayer wasn’t answered. God, being above reproach, responds, “Yes, I did answer your prayer. I said no.” This little reminder of us not always being in control causes us to pause a moment and reconsider how our prayers might be heard. - Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumet

May God Bless Temprance, Scott, and Alexis Wilkinson and their entire Family. You are in our thoughts and prayers. John & Jerrie Lynn FitzGerald